Friday, June 3, 2011

Daily Facial Routine

These are the only skin products that I'm using every single day. it's the Eskinol Ice Poretherapy Toner and Benzoyl Peroxide.I don't use other skin products since I'm on the process of renewing my facial condition. I really hate my skin as of right now maybe because of the weather changes here in Philippines and as we all know my country is known for being the hotspot place. It's not only because of the weather but as well as the environment your staying at especially when your place is easily visited by dust. So as much as possible I'd like to take care of my skin so that it'll go back to the normal skin I had like this picture right here,

it's way too old because this picture was taken 2 years ago during my graduation day. I miss having face like this which you don't have problem to think and what skin products will you use to treat your acne or acne scars.The products that I've been only using are this right here:

as you can see I'm almost done with my Benzoyl Peroxide because I use it 2 times a day and my toner is on it's halfway because I also use it 2 times a day.

1 comment :

  1. disgusting! and that mole????! do you have mole removal in your country? you call yourself a vanity blogger? please!!!! get a life you wicked witch! YER FEZ! hahahahahahahahahahaha!!


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